2,293 research outputs found

    Genetic and Non-Genetics Effect on Birth, Weaning, and Yearling Weight of Bali Cattle

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on the growth traits including birth weight, weaning, and yearling weight of Bali cattle. Data were analyzed using generalized linear model (SAS) to observe non-genetic effect. To evaluate the genetic effect, the estimation of heritability were done using mixed models analysis with the dam and sire as random effect and sex, parity, year of birth, and season as fixed effect in the model besides the residual. The results showed that sex of calf had no significant influence on birth and weaning weight but had significant influence on yearling weight (P+0.07, 0.33+0.09, and 0.43+0.10 respectively. Heritability value of growth trait weaning and yearling weight in Bali cattle was quite moderate to high, so it was expected that selection in achieving increased gain on growth trait was effective

    Struktur dan Fungsi Cerita Rakyat Masyarakat Bugis Teluk Pakedai Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    This study aimed to determine the structure and function of the folklore. This research used descriptive method. The results of the analysis showed that the story of the Origin of Keroak Bangkai and Man Transformed into apes had progressive plot while the story of Roan Magic Fish had a flashback plot. The Setting contained in these folklores were place setting, time setting and social setting. The characters in the story of The Origin of Keroak Bangkai were Sabe \u27, Were\u27, Grandma, and the child\u27s grandmother. The characters in the story of Man Transformed into apes were Mak Temmah, Sulung, the ruler of the forest, and Sulung\u27s playmates. The The characters in the story of Roam Magic Fish were Majja Wak \u27, Makke\u27, Roan, Dol Halle \u27, Dol Halle\u27s child\u27, the gimp, the Buginese of Sulawesi, religious leaders, and thieves. The theme in the story of The Origins of Keroak Bangkai was a wife remorsed for his indiscretions. The theme in the story of Man Transformed into Apes was children againsted their parents while the theme in the story of Roam Magic Fish was a Roan fish brought the magic. The function of folklore were as teaching medium, as a means of traditional living heir procedures, as a way of delivering the origin of something, as a validation tool of customs, as an educational tool, as a means of social control, and as entertainment

    Variasi Mutu Fisiologis Benih dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Sengon dari Beberapa Provenan Asal Papua

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    Exploration of sengon across Papua was resulted in collection of seeds from various provenances. This research aims to determine physiological seed quality and seed growth of Falcataria moluccana from various provenances in Papua. It consisted of two experiments. The first experiment used 8 provenances with 20 replications. In each replication 1 gram of seed was used. The rate, percentage and value of germination were observed. The second experiment used 8 provenances with 5 replications. Each replication consists of 20 seedlings. Seedling height and diameter were observed. Results demonstrated that provenance origin significantly affected seed physiological quality of F. moluccana. Germination percentage was well performed by provenance from Meagama (Wamena) with germination rate at 87.14% well performed by provenance from Wadapi Menawi (Serui) by 17.35%/etmal and germination value was well performed by Elagaima at 3.69, consecutively. It also significantly affected seedling growth after 3 months at the nursery. Provenance showing the best growth in height and diameter was Meagama (Wamena) at 29.29 cm and 2.61cm, respectively

    Parahyangan Catholic University Relationship Management Pilot Project at FISIP-UNPAR

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    Considering that relations with the students is really important as one of the approachesto get its competitive advantages, a university must knows exactly eachof the students so the university\u27s staffs can interact, communicate and fulfill thestudents needs personally. In order to maximize the effort, the university must use itsstudents\u27 database supported with information technology to create customer knowledgecompetence. To make the adequate CRM function with risk management fromthe beginning to reduce the risks which can be came up, the university must havecustomer mapping, employee commitment and re-organization

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Muntaza Tours & Travel Cibubur.

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    Motivation and Satisfiction are the two factors of a few relatively large factors suspected to influencePerformance on the Muntaza Tours and Travel Cibubur. These research aimed to determine the effect ofMotivation and Satisfiction toward Performance on Muntaza Tours and Travel Cibubur.Research conducted at the Muntaza Tours and travel by taking 36 employees as the research sample.Data were collected by questionnaire instruments covered by the five rating scale from strongly disagreeto strongly agree. Quantitative research was conducted by describing and analyzing research data. Themultiple linier regression analysis and multiple determination coeficient are the statistic approach to dataanalysis.The study produced three major findings consistent with the hypothesis put forward, that are: 1)Motivation has a significant effect on performance in a positive direction; 2) Satisfiction has a significanteffect on Performance in a positive direction; 3) Motivation and Satisfiction simultaneously influence 94.10%Performance variability. Base on the research finding, in order to increase Performance can be done by increasing Motivationand Satisfiction

    Jual Beli Tanah Tanpa Menggunakan Akta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 153 Pk/pdt/2005)

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    :Tesis ini berjudul Jual Beli Tanah Tanpa Menggunakan Akta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 153 PK/PDT/2005). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis status jual beli tanah yang dilakukan tanpa menggunakan akta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) khususnya pada Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 153 PK/PDT/2005) dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dapat tidaknya pendaftaran hak atas tanah di Kantor Pertanahan untuk jual beli hak atas tanah tanpa akta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah. Kegunaan dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi atau bahan bacaan tambahan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dan tipe penelitian sinkronisasi hukum. Menurut hasil penelitian terhadap rumusan masalah yang pertama yaitu status jual beli tanah tanpa menggunakan akta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor: 153 PK/PDT/2005) adalah jual belinya dinyatakan sah oleh Pengadilan, tetapi Majelis Hakim tetap memerintahkan/menghukum penjual dan pembeli menghadap Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah untuk membuat Akta Jual Beli. Karena jual beli untuk tanah bersertifikat harus dilakukan di hadapan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah. Menurut hasil penelitian terhadap rumusan masalah yang kedua yaitu jual beli tanah tanpa menggunakan akta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah dapat melakukan pendaftaran peralihan hak atas tanah di Kantor Pertanahan, namun hal ini hanya berlaku untuk daerah-daerah terpencil yang belum mempunyai Pejabat Akta Tanah dan belum ditunjuknya Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah Sementara

    Hubungan Deret Bertingkat Berdasarkan Bilangan Eulerian dengan Operator Beda

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    Rank series defined as: is a generalization of the fixed rank series (the sum of powers), in which its closed solution has been found empirically by Jacob Bernoulli in 1731. This paper will explore the relationship between rank series and differential operator. To see this relationship, examples for the case m = 1.2 and α = 1.2. are provided
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